Saturday, June 07, 2008

Garage Sale Day

And by "Garage Sale Day" I don't mean that I attended them - that is a far more regular occurrence - I mean that I held one, along with many of my neighbors. Even though I felt that I didn't have that much stuff (once it was all spread out), I still cleared $130.35, which is the lowest of the three years since I've tracked it, but still respectable. After we all cleared our sales, the neighbors convened in the cul-de-sac for a potluck BBQ reminiscent of our July 4 tradition. My contribution to the potluck was a combination of items I had handy in the house - mandarin oranges, sour cream, pineapple, coconut, and mini-marshmallows. It wasn't my mom's ambrosia recipe, but edible nonetheless. Meanwhile, the neighbor kids experimented with a magnifying glass and dry pine needles on the sidewalk, eventually creating a small fire ringed by rocks, which they somewhat successfully toasted marshmallows on. At first I thought this whole project was not a good idea, but there was adequate supervision, water on hand, and after watching them fumble with bamboo skewers and mini-marshmallows, I ended up supplying them with metal skewers and large mallers. The fire was out and cleaned up shortly thereafter, and now I can relax with that dry warm feeling of being in the sun all day.